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How's your heart?

Writer's picture: Donna Sue RolllysonDonna Sue Rolllyson

My Father sought me early this morning for a time of fellowship and remembrance. Having gathered a cup of coffee and the big yellow cat to warm my lap, I curled up into my oversized chair for a time with the Lover of my soul.

Having asked Him last night, as I laid my head to rest, to hear from Him he directed me to Psalms 95 for this morning’s special time together.

The heading reads, “A call to worship and obedience” and begins with shouts of praise to the Rock of my salvation. A perfect reminder that the God I serve is the creator of all things and that His hand is deep in the places of the earth and can also be found in the highest of the hills. A worthy God to worship and give all praise and thanksgiving to.

Yet there in the midst of this joy of being the sheep to His pasture comes the words, “Today, if you will hear His voice: do not harden your heart, as in the day of the rebellion.” I continued to read and ponder on why my Father had directed me into this passage of scripture. I read again… and again and asked of Him His purpose for me this early Friday morning.

It is about the heart!

“Do not harden your heart” is the clear warning, followed by the reminder of those whose story is revealed in the book of Exodus. Those who so quickly forgot the works of His hands, the miracles, the answer to their prayers for deliverance out of bondage. How quickly they had gone astray in their hearts towards the ways of God.

I too had fallen away and had hardened my heart during a time of great trial. I too had forgotten the ways of my Great God. Was I on the path again to a heart made of stone? Was I in danger of repeating the same mistakes of the people who wandered in the wilderness those 40 years?

My heart must focus on the Rock of my salvation and the One who desires to reveal His voice into my softened, pliable heart. I cannot hold onto the trials and difficulties of the past year, the lost relationships, the disloyalty of friends and hurts that harm my spirit. My heart stays soft and gentle when my eyes stay fixed upon HIM, upon His Word, His goodness, His mercy.

Lord, I thank you for calling me into the secret place in the early hours of the day. I thank you for the gentle reminder how quickly man’s heart can fall away and turn hard. My heart is joyful and rejoicing in the depth of love You reveal to me in these special times together.

Father, may our time together inspire others to seek you, to be diligent in keeping a soft and forgiving heart.

Psalms 95 - "A call to worship and obedience"

NKJV Jeremiah Study Bible

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